I've been working over the past several years on my self-discipline. I heard a talk years ago at one of the Franciscan U. conferences about building discipline in your life. Being painfully unstructured in my early 20's, I heard that as a call to arms. It was already a hunger but I didn't know how to put it into words or action. The speaker, ex-military, spoke of starting your day off right by making your bed well. Every single day. Even days you just don't feel like doing it and build off of that.
So I did.
Started off strong but as days turned into weeks I noticed I started losing the will to keep at it. I recognized that desire to quit. It was something I was familiar with. I'd get excited about something, get started, then move on to something else. Not everything was like that however. There were enough things in my life that I was keeping up on. Just enough to make me feel consistent but I was fooling myself.
I began to realize I was losing time and burning opportunity to be the best I could be. I realized I wasn't living as what Matthew Kelly would call "the-best-version-of-yourself". The most capable version of myself that God had designed. If God truly built me for more than I was being, then how would I get there?
That answer has been lying in the hard fought battle of prayer and self-discipline; prayer providing the compass and discipline as the engine. Jocko Willink, ex-SEAL and entrepreneur, defines discipline in his "Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual" as such,
Discipline: The root of all good qualities. The driver of daily execution. The core principle that over comes laziness and lethargy and excuses. Discipline defeats the infinite excuses that say: Not today, not now, I need a rest, I will do it tomorrow.
While I am far ahead of where I was, I feel like I am just getting started. Starting February 15th I will be starting an intense 90 day regimen focusing on asceticism and physical discipline with a program called Exodus90. I will be shedding the niceties and distractions of life like warm showers, sugar, and social media (except for work). In addition to what will be cut, it will include rigorous physical and spiritual exercise. Lastly, a small group of us will keep each other accountable. All of this is designed to wrench out vices and build virtue in men.
I'm building a small band of guys looking to enhance the same thing in their life. Calling it "The Brotherhood", we'll keep each other accountable with a group chat and weekly meet up. This will be the most challenging Lent yet but as one of the Brothers have said, "Let's make this the best Lent ever!". Definitely not your "I'm giving up chocolate," kind of fast.
I feel as if the Holy Spirit has been leading me further down this road, so appropriately, the 90 days end with Pentecost. I'm hoping this will be the start of a series on the topic of discipline. I will try something new with the blog by interviewing other men in what it means to been disciplined in their life. I will also be cataloging the 90 days periodically through our young adult Instagram account for St. Greg's, @stgregsyouth (that's the work element) with the intention that our test group will serve as an example for future endeavors. Stay tuned for more.
Check out Exodus90.com for more information.